Engineering, A 4-year guide

Engineering, A 4-year guide

As I pen this down, I’ve just received my final semester results, marking the culmination of my four-year engineering journey. Here, I’m sharing a look-back on those transformative years, highlighting not only my milestones but also the crossroads and detours.


The perspective shared below is deeply personal and specifically tailored to my engineering experience. While it may resonate with some, remember every journey is unique.

First Year: The Introductory Phase

My first year was largely about acclimatization. Weekend movies, city explorations, and occasional gaming sessions dominated my routine, with coding restricted merely to our academic syllabus.

Retro Reflection: I wish I had ventured into competitive coding, gotten acquainted with open-source development, and understood the intricacies of git and web functionalities. Engaging in tech communities and having periodic discussions would have set a stronger foundation.

Second Year: Delving into Code

The sophomore year marked the inception of my coding saga. I became a part of an open-source club initiated by our seniors, exposing me to emerging tech trends and the ever-evolving digital landscape. My learnings spanned from git to web mechanics, culminating in my inclination towards web development.

Retro Reflection: While I was on the right path, my lack of engagement with competitive coding and data structures remained a glaring gap. Incorporating daily problem-solving and participating in hackathons would have enriched this year further.

Third Year: Riding the Coding Wave

This year was characterized by my deep dive into React, punctuated by creating a website for our club. Participating (and winning!) in the Smart India Hackathon and networking at various events made it memorable. Also, I forayed into competitive coding via platforms like CodeChef, HackerEarth, and HackerRank.

Retro Reflection: Despite the highs, missing out on internships was a missed opportunity to better understand the real-world industry setting.

Final Year: Prepping for The Future

The pandemic shifted our classroom to screens. I delved deeply into Data Structures and Algorithms, mainly via Leetcode. Having accumulated significant project experience, my primary focus shifted to prepping for job interviews and making the most of an internship during the last semester.

Retro Reflection: A more proactive approach in building professional connections on platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter could have potentially paved a smoother job application process.

In Hindsight

My engineering voyage was a blend of learnings, connections, and self-discovery. For those embarking on this journey or midway, cherish every moment, foster genuine friendships, and prioritize peer learning.

Remember, life rarely sticks to the script. Unforeseen challenges are a given. Rather than succumbing, recalibrate and forge ahead!


© 2024 Sanjith

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